
Red Energy cashback

Get an energy plan which is sustainable, reliable & award-winning service

Up to $112 cashback

Cashback rates

New Gas & Electricity Signups
New Electricity Signups
New Gas Signups

About Red Energy

Launched in 2004, Red Energy is wholly owned by Snowy Hydro, one of Australia’s largest renewable energy generators. With a focus on trust and exceptional service, Red Energy operates a 100% Australian-based customer service team and provides energy solutions tailored to communities nationwide.

Compare energy and gas plans now and find the best prices from Red Energy and many more providers by clicking the 'Shop Now' button.

What you need to know

Tracking Tips
  • Empty cart and/or wishlist prior to clicking from Cashrewards
  • Return and click through Cashrewards for each new transaction
  • Finalise your purchase on the page opened by Cashrewards. No new tab or new browser
  • You cannot click in another rewards website
Special terms

This Red Energy plan is offered through Econnex which is powered by CIMET. We do not compare all brands in the market, or all products offered by all brands. At times, certain brands or products may not be available or offered to you. Please see our Approved Product List.

Cashback is limited to one transaction per member account every six months through Econnex

Cashback is eligible only for new customers of Red Energy.

You must be the property owner or primary lease holder of the property signing up for these services. You must remain with Red Energy for a minimum term period of 75 days to be eligible for cashback.

Cashback is provided by Cashrewards, and not by the energy provider.

Sign Ups are only eligible for cashback when the purchase is completed via the Cashrewards Shop Now Button. Directly signing up on without first clicking through the relevant Cashrewards button will make the purchase ineligible for cashback.

How to get cashback from Red Energy

Tracked in
1 to 7 Days
Up to 90 Days